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Leap Motion repousse la date d'envoi des précommandes

Hier soir, le PDG de Leap Motion, Michael Buckwald, a envoyé un mail à tous ses clients pour leur faire part du report de la date de sortie de la Leap au 22 juillet. Cette décision a été prise afin d’être à la hauteur de leurs attentes et des espérances des clients.

Techniquement, ils auraient pu envoyer les précommandes à la date prévue (ils ont déjà produit plus de 600.000 exemplaires), mais cela n’aurait pas laissé le temps de faire des tests plus poussés.

Ultimately, the only way we felt 100% confident we could deliver a truly magical product that would do justice to this new form of interaction, was to push the date so we would have more time for a larger, more diverse beta test.

Les tests qu’il reste à faire porteront plus sur l’aspect pratique, notamment au niveau de l’interaction avec l’OS. Pour tester cela, les 12.000 développeurs acceptés dans le programme de développement recevront le produit final dans leur boite aux lettres début juin.

Leap Motion a également garanti que ceci serait le seul report de la date de sortie.

This will be the first and only delay… we’re 100% confident that there will be a product that we’re proud of and that will delight and amaze our customers.

Certaines personnes crient déjà au vaporware, mais connaissant quelqu’un qui a reçu un kit développeur, je peux vous assurer que ce n’est pas le cas ;-) D’ailleurs, comptez sur moi pour vous faire un test de la Leap début juin.

Concernant le SDK, il sera lancé bientôt, comme prévu initialement.

Voici le mail envoyé aux clients :

Hello ,

Thanks for taking the time to read about the latest developments at Leap Motion. Over the coming weeks, our team will be keeping in touch with you, so you’re always in the loop. Today, I wanted to reach out to you personally, and update you on the status of our ship date. After a lot of consideration, we’ve decided to push back the date and will now be shipping units to pre-order customers on July 22nd.

This is not a decision we take lightly. There are hundreds of thousands of people in over 150 countries who have pre-ordered Leap Motion Controllers, some as long as a year ago. These people are part of our community and there is nothing more important to us than getting them devices as quickly as possible.

We’ve made a lot of progress. When we first started taking orders back in May we were twelve (very tired) people in a basement. Now we are eighty (although still tired and possibly still in a basement). We’ve manufactured over six hundred thousand devices and delivered twelve thousand to amazing developers who are building applications that let people do things that just wouldn’t have been possible before. We’ve used feedback from the community to make huge improvements to the stability and polish of the product. We’re really proud of Leap Motion as both a company and a product.

The reality is we very likely could have hit the original ship date. But it wouldn’t have left time for comprehensive testing. This will come in the form of a beta test that will start in June. This test will include developers who have been part of our early program and have access to a Leap device. Ultimately, the only way we felt 100% confident we could deliver a truly magical product that would do justice to this new form of interaction, was to push the date so we would have more time for a larger, more diverse beta test.

As an applicant to the Leap Motion Developer Program, this will not affect your early access to the Developer Portal and SDK in any way. You will still have the chance to create incredible applications before our launch.

I really appreciate your patience. I know it’s been a long wait. Everyone that works at Leap Motion is working tirelessly to make sure that wait is worth it. Thanks so much for your help and support.

David and I will be participating in an open video Q&A tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. Pacific time. We’ll post more information shortly on our Google+ page. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at [email protected] or my personal email ([email protected]).

Thanks again.

Michael Buckwald

Mises à jour :

Sources : Leap Motion Blog

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