Have you ever dreamed about controlling your computer by waving in the air? Wait no more, it will be possible very soon.
Apple Finally Respects EU Warranty Laws
Apple finally decided to conform to the European laws concerning the minimum 2-year duration of warranties.
Leap Motion Unveils Windows 8 Interaction Demonstration
Leap Motion finally unveiled a video showing us how we'll be able to interact with our operating system using the Leap.
Leap Motion Delays Pre-Order Ship Date
Leap Motion sent an email to all its pre-order customers yesterday to announce they will ship a little later than planned.
Discover How Richer You Are Than You Think
Ever wondered where you financially stand compared to the rest of the world? This website will tell you.
Sleep as Android: The Smart Alarm Clock That Analyzes Your Sleep
Sleep as Android is an Android app that'll help you wake up more refreshed. Combined with its SleepStats add-on, it will help you understand your sleep and even give you advice.
Markdown, a Wonderful Tool
Markdown is an easy to read markup language that enables you to generate HTML very easily.
Behind the Scenes of the Website
Here's a little roundup of what's going on backstage on the website: the editing interface, its functionalities, some stats, etc.
Google Reader Will Shutdown on July 1, 2013
Anyone that accesses Google Reader's web interface is now greeted with a message announcing the service will retire on July 1, 2013.
Check Your Website's Security with Detectify
Detectify is a tool that allows you to scan your website in order to detect vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.